What will the image look like after printing?
In order to answer this question, our company offers services concerning the production of the digital color proof.
Color proof is the method of emulation of different printing processes and should perform as the reference image in the process of the printing of circulation. The quality of paper and the method of printing should be as well taken into account, which is guaranteed by the colorful profile corresponding to the specific peculiarities of printing using specific equipment. The ideal way to obtain a color proof is to use the printing machinery, paper and paint applied during the printing of circulation. However, the question of price and temporary expenses strictly limits the possibility to put this variant into effect.
The digital color proof is extremely necessary during the process of switching to the СТР technology. Modern technologies of digital color proof allow solving practically any issues involved:
- checking the correctness of color transfer, both triad and mixed;
- accuracy in the reproduction of all the elements of the model (including trapping and overprint);
- creation of the imposition and transfer of the raster structure.
A color proof enables to detect the problems with the model even before its production and guarantees both the Client and the printing house anticipated results.